Using Mr. Miyagi's Sunset Harbor (Vanilla). I threw together a basic and random collection of mods and assets - ok, not random mods, yes random assets. Want to take this into CPU-soul-crushing range through a coordinated effort. Industries - what's the point of unlimited x, y, and z if we don't stop and smell the ore once in a while. They map isn't focused on more than the fish, but I want to see the other industries included.
Don't be an eggplant.
Be mindful of those to your left and to your right - coordinate changes that are going to impact neighbors and the group as a whole
Random Access
Save preview
players in game roomIf the player fails to upload the save file in the specific time window, their turn is automatically skipped. In chronological turns setting, this means the next player in the queue takes the save file. In random-access shares, the save file passes on to another player who claims it. Disabling this feature means the player can hold on to the save file past the deadline.
Remember to turn these on!
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